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EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 1

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von GreaseMonkey » So 29. Nov 2015, 23:02

Nur mal am Rande eine nicht representative Umfrage. Hab sie gerade über die OberlandArms FB Seite gesehen:

Weil so mancher meint es beträfe ihn nicht, da man ja Waffen verlieren könnte... Selten so einen Bullshit gelesen.(den letzten Bullshit habe ich am 18.11. gelesen)
Es geht hier auch darum, dass unser Sport kaputt gemacht wird! Wenn die "B7" verboten werden, kannst du mit deinen "verlorenen" B7 genau NICHTS anstellen, außer dich zu fürchten dass sie mal auffliegen.
Da die PN deaktiviert wurden, kann man mich per erreichen ... 398842962/

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Al3x » So 29. Nov 2015, 23:04

Reaper hat geschrieben:Unfassbar...

Was genau ist denn da unfassbar und neu für dich?
Die USA vertreten ihre nationalen Interessen sehr effektiv und schützen diese, die EU versemmelt rein alles was sie anfängt, es gibt nach 20 Jahren keine gemeinsame Aussenpolitik und keine gemeinsame Verteidigung, also ist die EU defacto handlungsunfähig beim durchsetzen der eigenen nahen Osten und am afrik. Kontinent werden wir ständig von den Chinesen ausgebootet und bei den Lizenzvergaben überboten (nein nicht von den Amis)..2011 gingen der EU nach 14 Tagen die Bomben gegen Libyen aus...unsere Aussengrenze wird jetzt von den Türken beschützt weil man Gaddaffi der uns um viel Steuergeld eine halbe Million Flüchtlinge vom Hals hielt unbedingt loswerden wollte. Diese politische Korrektheit und Unfähigkeit Rückgrat zu zeigen, kostet uns eh nur 4 Milliarden, die Visafreiheit der Türken ab 2017 und wir werden zum Gespött der Weltpolitik gemacht.
Und jetzt wird dann um die Aufteilung der 400.000 Schutzbedürftigen gestritten die 2015 hier bleiben...das ist wohl der Anfang vom Ende dieser einzigen Fehlgeburt hoffe ich mittlerweile.

Du als deutscher kannst Khol die Schuld daran geben, der musste ja unbedingt den eigentlich letzten Schritt zur Gründung einer Europäischen Union als einen der ersten setzen - den Euro, der jetzt auch der EU Untergang sein wird.

Ich würde jederzeit die USA den Russen und Deutschland vorziehen, jetzt dieser Tage und alleine wegen diesem Thema in dem wir hier sind, umso mehr, denn es geht um unsere bürgerlichen Freiheiten die im Interesse zweier offensichtlich psychisch kranken EU Politiker verkauft werden, anders kann ich mir das nicht erklären warum man auf dem Rücken von 130 Toten so eine Dummheit durchboxen will indem man lügt wenn man den Mund aufmacht, denn der Antrag zur Verschärfung des Waffengesetzes ist nur eines: eine einzig grosse Lüge.

insert Victoria Nuland quote here: " "
"There Are Only Three Kinds of People: Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs. Which one are you?" ... of-people/

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Blaine » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 00:54

Dauerfeuer hat geschrieben:
Reaper hat geschrieben:Unfassbar...

bei 3:18 wird eine Aussage von dem Kasper nicht übersetzt, kann mir wer sagen, was er da sagt? Ich kanns nicht verstehen...

united states has acted outside the context of nato
because nato has to have a 100% vote
any one country can veto anything and the turks will veto it just for giggles

der unterstrichene teil wurde nicht übersetzt und bedeutet soviel wie die türken würden ihr veto nur zwecks der gaudi einsetzen

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mo 30. Nov 2015, 01:20

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Gunnewcomer » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 01:23

Die Petition lässt sich nun leichter erreichen.
Falls ihr an andere weitergeben wollt, dann direkt auf:

Das leitet direkt auf die Petition weiter.

.50 BMG
.50 BMG
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Registriert: Do 17. Mär 2011, 18:06

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von raptor » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 05:12

Hane hat geschrieben:Konnte bei der gestrigen Treibjagd 26 Unterschriften für die Petition sammeln.


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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Dauerfeuer » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 08:47

Blaine hat geschrieben:united states has acted outside the context of nato
because nato has to have a 100% vote
any one country can veto anything and the turks will veto it just for giggles

der unterstrichene teil wurde nicht übersetzt und bedeutet soviel wie die türken würden ihr veto nur zwecks der gaudi einsetzen

danke, ich hab sowas vermutet, konnts aber nicht raushören. Jetzt frag ich mich, warum man das nicht übersetzt hat....ein starkes Stück jedenfalls.
Don't eat the yellow snow...

.50 BMG
.50 BMG
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Registriert: So 1. Jun 2014, 21:17

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Al3x » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 09:54

Lies halt mal Friedman's Agenda, dann sollte klar sein was er will und was er bei Vorträgen von sich gibt.

Was wir brauchen ist eine Lobby, leider wohl unleistbar: :P

Und dass Petitionen oder der Zusammenhalt online nicht umsonst sind, beweist der gute Mann hier:
Zuletzt geändert von Al3x am Mo 30. Nov 2015, 10:14, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
"There Are Only Three Kinds of People: Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs. Which one are you?" ... of-people/

.308 Win
.308 Win
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Registriert: Mo 6. Feb 2012, 14:29

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Bonfire » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 10:02

Hat wer Kontakte in den Shootingpark Leobersdorf?
Die haben einen recht großen Emailverteiler mit sicherlich jeder Menge Jäger darin.

.50 BMG
.50 BMG
Beiträge: 3013
Registriert: So 1. Jun 2014, 21:17

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Al3x » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 10:36

Waffenrecht und Waffenrestriktionen in Frankreich aus der Sicht eines ehem. Offiziers der jetzt in Texas lebt.
Ich fands damals als ich es las sehr interessant, die dürfen 12 Kat. B haben, unter D fallen bei denen schon Pfefferspray, Tasers etc und ohne Kat B Lizenz darfst auch keine Teile von Kat B Waffen besitzen, das Recht auf SV gibt es nicht.
Das franz. Waffenrecht ist ein Paradebeispiel für eine erfolgreiche Salamitaktik die aus der ehemaligen GRANDE NATION eine weichgespülte gun-free Zone machte. ... fiscation/


Editors Note: The author of this piece is named Phil. He served as an officer in the French army and for the last 4 years has called Texas home. He is a gun owner and avid shooter now that he’s living in the U.S. Phil brings a unique perspective to the discussion of gun control as he watched it implemented in his native country of France. Phil tells me his father and mother still live in France and despite the laws, they are still actively involved in shooting. The words below are his own. Keep in mind English isn’t his first language and I chose to not alter the text of the article in any way.

In every debate about guns, we can always hear the same arguments from the gun control advocates. This isn’t supposed to be about gun confiscation, it’s supposed to be all about safety. And of course, pro gun advocates are often saying any law for gun control is not about guns, it’s all about control and gun confiscation (mainly when it’s about registration).

Since I always agree to increase gun safety, I thought it would be interesting to have a look at the evolution of the gun laws in a country that did actually pass some gun control laws and have a look. It’d be quite interesting to observe over the years if they have been any efficient and if it has indeed been used for safety reasons or actually for confiscation and disarming civilians.

Of course, most of english speaking people are already familiar with the UK or Australian gun laws. So I decided to have a look to France. I know the old saying joke about the fact that French don’t really _need_ guns because they never fire them, they only drop them once when surrender. Being French myself, this is a funny joke I often heard while serving as officer for the French military for 7 years and then when I lived in Texas for 4 years. But have no doubt about it, there’s a real tradition about guns in France.

Being from a shooting family, with retired parents that are both over 60 and still shooters and very active members of the local shooting range board, I had the opportunity to observe the evolution of the French gun laws. You’ll see how crazy it could be and how it could also happen in the US the same way. This is not about an over-night confiscation like it happened by the past in some countries or during some events. It’s about the slowly civilians disarming that happens over the years, sometimes even decades, step by step… always a little bit further.

I’m convinced there’s a LOT to learn about “Gun Control” by looking at countries that didn’t have the second amendment to protect their citizens. So, let’s have a look at France.


Right after the Eiffel Tower, the beret, croissant, bread baguette and strikes, weapons in France have also always been popular and part of the French culture, regardless which kind of weapons were used at the time. It probably goes back to the French Revolution and the invention of the Guillotine. After the Revolutions, just like after the US Independence from Britain, it was necessary for the French citizens to keep arms to avoid and resist to oppression.

When they wrote the new “French Constitution”, they wanted at first to add an Amendment about the right to keep arms, but they found at the time it was obvious because the French Constitution recognise the “Human Right” from 1789.

And in the Human Right declaration, it is said any human has the right to defend himself/herself. So, they didn’t add this kind of “Second Amendment”… (which is a real shame!).

So, when we look at history few decades later, one of the first thing the German Nazis did when invading France was to remove guns from population. Even the French government did some laws to ban all guns a little bit before the war in 1939, worry that the civilians would resist and would overthrow the French government. And under the Vichy regime (collaboration of the French authorities with the Nazis), the sentence for owning a firearms could go up to the death penalty.

But luckily, the French Resistance did use some guns and did help Americans and Brits to fight and resist to Germans. So once again, after WWII, it was again part of the culture for anyone to have guns… including military guns from troops (from both side) left after the war.

Women could have some tiny .25ACP pistols in their purse, some derringer pistols, etc… it was perfectly legal and free to buy without any paperwork. It could be used for self-defense. Farmers and hunters could easily use their shotgun. And it was pretty common to use a .22LR bolt action rifle to plink in your backyard without any problem (I know it, I did it with my parents during my youth). And shooting guns was popular and not depicted as a bad thing. Even during some circus events or so, it was very common to have some kind of mobile shooting stand with some .22 BB rifles.

But after the war, the government did start to include some kind of limitations to the gun law; at first to avoid “war weapons”, full-auto, large magazine, military caliber, etc… (does it ring a bell?… you know the famous “assault weapons”). All people thought: Yeah, the war is over, we don’t need civilians to keep that.

And step by step, they required some registration with serial number, name of the owner, etc… like NFA (again, it seems pretty consistant with what happened in the US). There was up to 8 categories of guns… some were considered as “War Guns”, so completely banned. Some were considered as dangerous so you had to request an authorisation with paperwork (NFA like), some considered as usable for Hunting/Sport and therefor no need for anything, free to be purchased, as long as you were over 18.

Because the “war guns” were often identify by the caliber found in the battlefield, we could often find different calibers not used by the military but still quite similar. That’s why we can easily find some .222 caliber in France for most of the .223 rifle. By having a slightly different caliber, civilians could own rifles that weren’t freely available because the .223 caliber was considered as a “military war caliber”, and therefor “banned”.

And over the years, by simple decision of some politics, some caliber or type of guns were changing categories… sometimes without notice. Just because a type of gun has been used in a shooting, then it would be dangerous for anyone to own it… so they changed it to make it impossible to be owned… or very very difficult after a ton of paperwork, some psy background check, etc…


Lately, because of the European Union, the French government had to revise their gun laws (in 2013) and went a little farther… always just a little, step by step.

They make it based on 4 categories of weapons:


- Category A is all no-no guns, all full-auto, over 30 rounds rifle magazines, over 20 rounds pistol magazines, any grenade/explosive/AP, any caliber over 20mm, any jet fighter, tanks, nuclear submarine, etc.. (I’m not joking, that’s how the law is described)

- Category B is any handgun (whatever the type and caliber including .22LR), any semi-auto with more than 3 rounds magazines, any rifle with more than 10 rounds magazine, any rifle with a barrel shorter than 18 inches, any military caliber (5.56 Nato, 5.45×39, 7.62×39, 12.7×99 and 14.5×114)

- Category C is any pump shotgun, semi-auto with less than 3 rounds, any “hunting” caliber bolt action with less than 10 rounds magazine (surprisingly including caliber .308/7.62×51 or .510DTC, 12.7×108 or even 20mm Vulcan)

- Category D is any collection guns before 1900, black powder, smooth double barrel shotgun, knives, tasers, peperspray, etc…

So, Category A guns are banned for civilians. You need to request authorisation (NFA like) for the Category B guns. You have to register any Category C guns and declare the Category D guns.

Keep in mind, the category is valid for the guns or any parts of it… So technically, you can’t even own an AR-15 firing pin if you don’t have a valid authorisation for an AR-15. Also, in the same matter… having a single munition of a caliber you don’t have the authorisation could be considered as “illegal possession of firearms” crime. Crazy, hang-on, that’s not it…


So what else? Well, you can’t have more than 12 authorisations for Category B guns total. So it means, if you buy one .22LR Pistol, one pocket .380, one 9mm, one .40S&W, one .357 revolver, one .45ACP pistol and one .44 Magnum revolver (which is pretty much just what most gun owner would call the “basics” of handguns, and what anyone should own, right?) Well, in France, you can, but it will represents already 7 authorisations on the 12 total you can legally own. So now, you only have only 5 left for you to add an AR-15, an AK, a semi-auto shotgun, a .300BLK short barrel rifle and a some semi-auto .308 and that’s it… you’re done! You won’t be able to have more Category B guns unless you’re selling one of these guns. And each authorisation is valid for 5 years only and needs to be reapplied (more and more paperwork). That’s probably one of the reason why companies such Sig do some “modular” guns where the serial number is on the trigger (such the P320). That way, you can change easily size grip, caliber, etc… without using more than 1 authorisation.

The only good part? There’s no BS or taxes about suppressors/silencers or vertical fore grip on handgun. They’re just considered as accessories. Even for the short barrel rifle, it doesn’t matter if your semi-auto rifle barrel is 16” or just 10”… If it’s a semi-auto rifle, it’s by definition in the Category B anyway, so you’ll need an authorisation. And if it’s a handgun, it’s also in Category B… so adding a vertical fore grip won’t change anything. However, having a folding stock could technically turn your rifle in a “pistol”… so having a folding stock on a Category C bolt-action rifle, could technically turn it in a Category B “pistol”. However, cut down a Cat. C pump action shotgun barrel under 45cm (18”) and it will become a Cat. B Short Barrel Rifle.

But there’s also some “work-around”. For instance a .223/5.56×45 semi-auto AR-15 with 30 rounds magazine is considered as Category B, so you need authorisation. However, if you get a “pump-action” AR-15, in .222 or even .300BLK, with a 10 rounds magazine, it will be considered as a Category C. No authorisation required, no waiting. You can go in a store, buy it and of course… register it. It’s even funnier if we could have a .50 Beowolf pump-action AR-15. The magazine would technically hold only 10 rounds and would be Category C (while being in Cat. B when used with 30 rounds of .223).


Note, there’s a limit of 10 magazines maximum per guns. And now, there’s also limit of 1,000 rounds per year per guns. Which is quite stupid in some case. If you’re doing IPSC or 3 guns competitions, you can easily use more than 1,000 rounds per months. Sport shooters in competition can request refill form, but that’s quite crazy. Luckily, we can own as much cases, primers and bullets as we want. We are only limited to 4 lbs of powder per shooter per household (for safety) and you can’t have more than 1,000 finished reloaded rounds.

But luckily you can get as much Category C guns as you want. So technically (from what we understand from the law), if you own a Mosin-Nagant, you can have up to 1,000 rounds of 7.62x54R. But if you own 50 Mosins, you can have up to 50,000 rounds of 7.62x54R. But in the other hand, you can’t get more than twelve .22LR handguns. So no more than 12,000 .22LR rounds. So, just another proof laws could be very stupid and it’s not really about safety.

You have to declare and register any guns, including your Category C & D! Yep that’s right, even some type of defensive spray, non-lethal guns, etc… need to be registered!

You need to have a safe if you want a Category B guns, and the police will come to your home to check it and see where it is. (I’m not joking, it’s part of the process… if they don’t see it, they can refuse your request for Cat. B guns and you can’t own and buy it… even if it’s just a tiny .22LR semi-auto pistol. Sometimes, it could take up to several months (6, 7 or even 8 months) to get the paperwork back for a Cat. B guns. So no way to go in a store, you see the new handgun and you buy it right away. Any Cat. B guns purchase in France is often a long process to go through.

And to request any Cat. B or C, you need to be part of a shooting club because owning a guns in France now is only for “sport shooting” or “hunting” purpose. Therefor you need to be in a sport shooting club, or have a hunting license (only good for Cat. C guns). But in the other hand, anyone over 18 can legally buy a Category D guns, which includes smooth double barrel shotgun, black powder and some “collection” guns before 1900. So here again, it’s not really about safety.


Back in day, in France, a lot of people had some double barrel shotgun, some 30-30 action lever rifle, or even some .22LR bolt action carbine. Owned freely, no registration, no background check, no need to be part of a sport shooting club, etc…

In 1995, they changed the laws and it was required to register any guns. It was just for “safety” reasons.

There was “no consequences” to do so (what the officials said). So, some people did registered their guns… some didn’t.

But in 2013, they changed the laws and now it is _mandatory_ to register _any_ type of firearms. You can’t own a firearms that isn’t registered.

Of course, there’s still some black market with some guns that weren’t never registered, but they try to block this by make it illegal to sell/buy a gun without going through an official gun store. And now, some of the previously legally own guns are not free to own. Only smooth double barrel shotgun are free. Everything else, any rifle barrel firearms is at least in Category C, which means you need a hunting license or a sport shooting license. Which means, all the previous 12GA shotguns, 30-30, .22LR are slowly all disappearing from the hand of civilians that aren’t not hunters or sport shooters.

Since the revolution, France had a mandatory national conscription service for any men. You had to serve at least 12 months (then later only 10 months) in the military or police, up to 24 months for the volunteers. The purpose was to be sure that any citizen would be able to bear arms in case of oppression or war time. It was said that “Any Frenchman is a soldier and owes himself to the defense of the nation”. During your service, you were learning probably all basics of any military such how to get organised, take care of yourself, some physical training, combat tactics and communications, learning military structure and how to handle firearms, explosive, have some medical training and get used to physical efforts and the live with your brothers in arms in tough conditions.

Sometimes, it was considered as “tough” for some young men, but it was a really way to get over any differences between people and learn to accept and live with others. And after your conscript time, most of people could be enlisted or join the active reserve. At this occasion, most of people could discover in real situation what a firearms are and how to use them properly.

But the modern conscription has been suspended in 1996 for any person born after 1979. The last contingent ends in February 1999 since people were generally serving between their 18th and 23th birthday, generally around their 20th after the graduation. Since this date, young men and women are only spending a mandatory day to discover what the military is. So, new generations don’t know anything about combat, about guns, about protecting the nation and fight for it. Today, young people only know guns from movies, youtube videos and video games. But that’s it!


And the government doesn’t make it easy for anyone to become a civilian gun owner. You need medical checking, at least 6 months in a shooting club, no criminals records (including stuff such DUI, driver license suspension, etc…) and you need to have at least 3 shooting control checks each year (per the club instructors/monitors). If not, you’ll loose your authorisations for all your guns and you won’t be able to keep them.

Even if you bought them, paid the whole full price, without authorisations, they’re technically not yours anymore. You have to put in sales in a gun store, or transfert your documents to someone with a license and authorisation. You can’t transfer any gun anymore, you have to go through an official gun store (to keep record of all transfert)… Again, does it sound familiar?

And now, since 2013, they did include an electronic register of all guns and all shooters with fingerprints, and all info you can imagine (the whole nine yards). If you’re stopped by the police and you have a gun in your car, they can immediately know if it’s a registered or not (and therefor being an illegal weapons). You don’t have any right to transport your guns anywhere else than between your home and the shooting range. You can use your guns anywhere else than the shooting range (not even in your home). You need legitimate reasons to transport your guns. And if you’re moving in another county, you will have to declare every guns you own to the new county office. You don’t have the freedom to transport your guns freely, period.

Obviously, you can’t even carry them (open or conceal), only police and some VIP people has right to carry guns. And keep in mind, back in the old days, it was perfectly fine to conceal a gun, it was even recommended for any woman to have a defensive gun in their purse. But not anymore with the new gun laws. Think about that for a second…


You can’t even use your gun to defend yourself at home… Yep, that’s right! It was possible few years ago, your home was your “sanctuary”, but not now, not anymore (because you’re only supposed to fire your gun in a shooting range, you can’t legally shoot them at home in your backyard, even if you own the whole desert or a rainforest). So, if someone break in your house, you technically don’t have any rights to use your guns to defend yourself, because it’s not considered as sport, or as hunting. You can easily end up in jail and paying fines to the criminals that were breaking into your house. (Crazy, hu?).

And if you think you could still use them if the SHTF, there’s an article in the law that allow the government to stop any gun purchase by the population in case of “crisis” and, at any time, they can decide to ban any specific guns, caliber or model for “National Security” reasons; not question asked, not even a need from the French National Assembly (similar to US Congress). Which means, politics in charge have full control and power over anything related to weapons (and I mean weapons because as said, it’s not only firearms, we can find some non-lethal guns, some PCP Airguns over 20J, Tasers, Knives, etc…)

Nonetheless, if you own a non-registered firearms, with the new 2013 laws you can get 10 years jail time and 250,000 Euros fine for illegal possession of firearms crime. It’s even more than for some crime such murders, drug trafficking, etc… So it really shows the real intention of government. Slowly disarming people…

The more scary stuff is what is actually in the Category A, the completely banned products. We can find protection system such armored vehicles, armored vest, or even nuclear/biochemical protection systems (NBC clothes, gas mask, etc…). Also, all nigh-vision equipments are also banned, and any system allowing precision shooting by laser.

Again: Does it sound familiar? Exactly the kind of stuff we can hear here and there in the US news right now.


Why am I saying all that? Just because France (or even worst… the UK) is the kind of gun laws the gun control advocates would love to end up in the US… that’s their goal. Remove all guns from population, even if it will be done slowly like in France, or overnight like in the UK and Australia. And unfortunately, in Europe, we have no constitution or rights to stop them…

YOU, my friendly fellow Americans, you have the second Amendment and this is pure gold. The founding fathers were pretty clear and pretty clever about that. I know I’m preaching in the choir for most gun owners but I’d love any Americans to understand where the US could end up if you’re not fighting for your rights. People need to wake up and start to defend their rights. As soon a government has some registration, they can add more and more guns in the “ban list”, or the “NFA list”, they can add more caliber, more area, more restrictions (for “safety” they will say). And step by step, guns will only be usable for sport and hunting… and people won’t have the right to defend themselves, protect their family.

Politics will tell you: “If someone break into your home, call for the police” … Oh wait? Here again, it really sound familiar to what we can hear *right now* from the gun control advocates in the US, just as the same we heard few decades ago in France! And from everything we can observe from France, all gun laws were always adding restrictions for a slow confiscation. And it has not real effects.

Why? Simply because criminals don’t obey any laws and the evolution of the homicide per firearms in France has a similar trend than in the US. And just like the US, there’s more and more guns and more gun owners in France, with an almost constant 10 percent increase each year.

Sure, the numbers of homicides per firearms per capita are lower in France than the US. But it’s not because of the new gun laws, that was already the case before 2013, and before 1995, and before 1939… Just like the UK numbers were pretty much the same before the gun laws than now… But in the other hand, it didn’t stop the violent crimes either which is in constant climb.

Most of the shooting that happened this year in France did happen in Marseilles, by criminals using non-registered full auto AK to kill a criminal from another gang because of the drug cartel and drug trafficking in Marseilles. And for that matter, none of the gun laws (current or past) have changed anything and increase the safety. It’s actually getting even worst because of the numerous violent mafias that come from the ex-soviet countries. And guess what, they don’t have any registration of their guns.


So, once again, we can say anything from numbers; But history speaks by itself. Gun laws don’t increase safety, don’t reduce violent crime, don’t reduce homicide per firearms, etc… Gun control is about controlling people. And registration lead with any doubt to confiscation, regardless if it’s done overnight or slowly over several decades like in France.

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"There Are Only Three Kinds of People: Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs. Which one are you?" ... of-people/

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von koboichi » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:12

Folgende Antwort habe ich (und wahrscheinlich viele Andere) gerade vom Abg. Othmar Karas (ÖVP) erhalten. Ich überlasse jedem die eigene Auslegung...

vielen Dank für Ihre Stellungnahme zum geplanten Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission, verstärkte Kontrollen von Feuerwaffen auf EU-Ebene einzuführen.

Die präsentierten Vorschläge der Europäischen Kommission sind keine Reaktion auf die Terroranschläge in Paris, sondern waren bereits in der Europäischen Sicherheitsagenda von April 2015 vorgesehen, in der die notwendigen Regelungen für ein hohes Maß an innerer Sicherheit in der EU festgelegt wurden. Bei den vorgestellten Maßnahmen handelt es sich also um keine Anlassgesetzgebung! Die Umsetzung der Europäischen Sicherheitsagenda wurde angesichts der aktuellen Ereignisse lediglich beschleunigt.

Die Fakten sind:
Am 18. November 2015 verabschiedeten die Kommissarin für Binnenmarkt und Industrie, Elżbieta Bieńkowsk und Dimitris Avramopoulos, Kommissar für Migration, Inneres und Bürgerschaft, ein Maßnahmenpaket, welches eine Überarbeitung der Feuerwaffen-Richtlinie 91/477/EWG umfasst, um den Erwerb und Besitz von Feuerwaffen strenger kontrollieren zu können.
Darüber hinaus ist eine Verordnung über gemeinsame Mindeststandards für die Deaktivierung von Feuerwaffen vorgesehen, damit diese Waffen für eine weitere Verwendung unbrauchbar werden.
Die Kommission kündigte auch an, einen Aktionsplan gegen den illegalen Waffen- und Sprengstoffhandel zu erarbeiten.

Die Verordnung über gemeinsame Deaktivierungsstandards von Feuerwaffen wurde am 18. November 2015 einstimmig von allen 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten angenommen und wird daher automatisch binnen drei Monaten in Kraft treten.
Weiters haben die EU-Innenminister die Überarbeitung der Feuerwaffen-Richtlinie 91/477/EWG begrüßt. Der Ausschuss für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucherschutz im Europäischen Parlament (IMCO) wird Anfang Dezember erstmals über den Vorschlag diskutieren und 2016 die Legislativarbeit aufnehmen.
Die Ausschusssitzungen können live unter folgendem Link mitverfolgt werden: ... organ=IMCO.
Selbstverständlich begleiten meine Mitarbeiter und ich diesen Prozess für die gesamte ÖVP-Delegation im Europäischen Parlament.

Ich nehme Ihre Bemerkungen sehr ernst. Wir gehen mit ihnen sehr verantwortungsvoll und behutsam um. In der Tat ist es wichtig, Traditionen zu erhalten und die notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen so unbürokratisch wie möglich zu gestalten. Ihre Einwände werden wir in der parlamentarischen Arbeit einbringen.

Mit besten Grüßen
Ihr Othmar Karas

.50 BMG
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Registriert: Fr 6. Dez 2013, 22:24

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von McMonkey » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:14

Exakt gleichen Text so eben auch bekommen.
Was man nicht tut, geschieht auch nicht.

.50 BMG
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Registriert: Do 18. Jun 2015, 13:21

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Dauerfeuer » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:16

Politiker blah-blah....viel reden, nix sagen, alle Optionen offen halten :teasing-blah: :puke-huge:
Don't eat the yellow snow...

9mm Para
9mm Para
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Registriert: Di 9. Apr 2013, 22:28

Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von koboichi » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:29

Am Freitag war der Jahresabschluss der Hegeringleiter im Bezirk Melk. Nachdem ich unseren Bezirksjägermeister am Vortag über das Thema informiert hatte, hat er das auch der Versammlung präsentiert. Er hat betont, dass es ein ernstes Thema mit möglicherweise großen Auswirkungen auf die Jägerschaft ist, hat aber keinen konkreten Handlungsvorschlag selber gehabt. Die NÖ Landesjagdverband verhandelt nach eigenen Aussagen auch länger mit dem BMI wegen den Waffenpässen für Jäger, wirken aber meiner Meinung nach nicht sehr optimistisch.

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von >Michael< » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:29

koboichi hat geschrieben: Ihre Einwände werden wir in der parlamentarischen Arbeit einbringen.

Mit besten Grüßen
Ihr Othmar Karas

Ich hab mich verlesen und anstatt ''parlamentarischen Arbeit '' ''polemischen Arbeit'' gesehen. Wie passend.
God smiles on results.

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Re: EU- Verbot von Halbautomaten?

Beitrag von Lexman1 » Mo 30. Nov 2015, 12:36

Ich habe zusätzlich folgenden Passus:

"Zu Ihrem Argument, dass der vorliegende Gesetzesentwurf rund 200 Millionen EU- Bürger betreffen soll, ist zu entgegnen, dass die europäische Kommission den Bestand von rechtmäßig für den zivilen Gebrauch erworbenen Schusswaffen auf rund 80 Millionen schätzt."

Meine Hinweis, war eher zusätzlich zu Arbeitsplätzen und der generellen allgemeinverdächtigung von zusätzlichen Kunden, aber so wissen wir nun mit welchen Zahlen die Komission rechnet.
From My Cold, Dead Hands
