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EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von diver99 » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 02:29

d-s hat geschrieben:Obviously, I do not expect to get the response.

Dear Mr. Moosch,

I write you as European citizen whom you’re supposed to serve.
I have several questions about your working document on Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons.
Please note that I copy this email to Slovak representatives in European Parliament and few other stakeholders as I believe that they shall be informed about your work.
Also please note that as you are a public servant I reserve the right to publish both these questions and your answers.

2.5 Stakeholders' views were taken into account. Member States and NGOs agreed that the proposed directive would help to prevent the diversion of firearms to the illegal market.
Can you publish the list of Member States and the list of NGOs which agreed with the proposed directive, please?
The aim of this request is to make sure that the selection of NGOs included all parts of the spectra, including sport shooters organizations and hunters.
Also, as citizens, we have the right to know the positions of respective country representatives.

3.1 Recent tragic events have precipitated the debate on the sale and use of weapons. Public security is increasingly under threat from terrorism and there is a pressing need to take
decisive action to counter the ease with which people can get hold of firearms, which continue to fall into the hands of radical groups, criminal organisations and disturbed individuals
whose motives are incomprehensible, who then use these firearms to perpetrate barbaric crimes.
Can you provide the list of terrorist events in which legally privately owned firearms felt into the hands of radical groups and were then used in terrorist events, please?

3.2 Nor can we ignore the firearm-related fatalities and serious casualties resulting every year from the mishandling or storage of weapons.
Can you provide the statistical data and their source about firearms related facilities caused by mishandling ow firearms, please, especially in comparison to other common activities?
(Also, would you be so kind to not mix weapons – i.e. knife – with firearms as the proposed directive is about firearms and not weapons?)

3.4 Nevertheless, the EESC believes that, in view of the ongoing security concerns, legislation on this issue needs to be more ambitious. The Commission should not simply
draft legislation as an immediate response to recent acts of terrorism, but when doing so should also seek to resolve security issues relating to legal firearms.
Can you list the security issues related to legal firearms and back it up with statistical data and the source of the data, please?

3.5 In fact, legally obtained weapons have been used to commit over 63 000 homicides in the European Union over the last 10 years .
There are EU countries where over 40% of crimes involve the use of a weapon, and in most EU Member States this figure stands at over 20%. These figures do not include suicides or accidents.
Can you explain how you reached this conclusion, please? Was it a mistake (in such case the person who prepared it is not qualified for the work he or she is doing) or was it intentional misinterpretation (in other words cheating)?
Because when I check the source you list (UN agency), the number 63.000 covers weapons, not firearms. That means knives, stones, whatever what a person can hold. According to the data you use as a source, only several percent of this number were legal firearms.

3.6 Australia provides an excellent example of weapons control. Following an incident where a man entered a cafe and killed 35 people and wounded 23 others with two weapons, Australia embarked upon one of the most substantial overhauls on record of its laws on the use and possession of weapons. This led to a
visible reduction in firearm-related deaths. It banned certain types of weapons, introduced a requirement to provide a genuine reason for possessing a weapon (which could not be purely for self-defence) and financed a national buyback programme. This initiative led to the surrender of 700 000 weapons and a drastic fall
in firearm-related homicides.
Can you provide the statistical data this conclusion is based on? Because the publicaly available data actually shows increase in homicide rate after the firearms ban. Therefore I assume that you have some other source of the data and I believe it shall be published.

3.8 Like Australia, following random shootings which resulted in 15 fatalities and a further 15 wounded, the United Kingdom also banned the use of certain types of weapons, introduced mandatory registration for owners and funded a buyback programme.
Although the outcomes were not as visible as in Australia, these
measures likewise led to a fall in firearm-related crimes.
Again, can you provide statistical data which show this, please. Be so kind to include all homicides, as that is the relevant metric.

4.1 This initiative shows due regard for the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. A directive is the appropriate instrument to use here, since there is no other way to amend the rules in force.
Can you explain how was the proportionality evaluated?
Because statistics show that crime with legally owned firearms is actually very small, much smaller than crime with various other objects, e.g. cars, knives, etc.
Therefore I would like to understand the methodology behind evaluation of proportionality.

Please feel free to use statistical instruments and terminlogy if it helps you to answer the questions.
I work as specialist for U.N. in the area of nuclear weapons disarmement and I will understand statistical terminology.

Thank you for your answers,
With best regards,

Very good!
Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren!

Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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Re: AW: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von DerDaniel » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 06:03

Nice one d-s, but expect to be accused of stalking now. [emoji38]

Es bringt aber weniger irgend welche Leute aus der Peripherie voll zu texten. Wir müssen die überzeugen, die am Ende entscheiden. Also macht es m.M.n. mehr Sinn den MEPs factsheets zu schreiben, dass die den Herren am Ende auseinander nehmen können, wenn er dem Spaß vorstellt, so wie bei der ersten Vorstellung des ganzen. Wenn der ein paar mal der Lüge überführt wurde während der Vorstellung, wird dem keiner (intelligenter Mensch) mehr glauben.
Zuletzt geändert von DerDaniel am Fr 12. Feb 2016, 09:07, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von hmg382 » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 07:16

@d-s: Great! :mrgreen:
DVC & #IamTheGunLobby

"Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren." - Benjamin Franklin

CZ Shadow 2, CZ P-09

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von d-s » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 08:27

FYI, Slovak representatives have "Read notification" turned on on their accounts. As these are all "" addresses, I assume all of them have that.
So it's good to use this option when sending email...
A society that can’t defend its children has no tomorrow.

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Thule » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 09:20


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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Thule » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 09:23

Lexman1 hat geschrieben:Nur leider wurde von Seiten der Polizei

Vergiß den Pilsl.

.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von sc70 » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 09:54

sc70 hat geschrieben:
Prof_Enfield hat geschrieben:
mabit85 hat geschrieben:Mal was aus den heutigen "Medien" zum Thema Verschärfung: ... 60,1257469

Danke für den Link zu dem Artikel!
Hab schon bei der darin enthalten Umfrage abgestimmt. Wär' sicher für's Stimmungsbild nicht schlecht, wenn sich noch ein paar von uns beteiligten.


53,96% für nein.... so wendet sich das Blatt :D

...61,00% :D
Bad times create strong men,
strong men create good times,
good times create weak men,
weak men create bad times!

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Sodastream » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 11:08

Hab natürlich gleich mitgemacht, sieht schon besser aus :at1:
- Glock 17
- CZ 75

.50 BMG
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Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 12:09
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von d-s » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 11:38

Head official in charge of firearms department from Czech ministry of interior:
(loose translation)
European directive is incompetent and illogical.
Unfortunately there's single response to all our objections: "Every weapon looking like Kalashnikov is dangerous."
Their decision is that every weapon with magazine in banana shape must be banned.
They intend on pushing the legislation at any cost.
A society that can’t defend its children has no tomorrow.

.50 BMG
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Registriert: Mi 30. Jun 2010, 20:17

Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Thule » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 11:46

Fuck EU with a glowing hot rebar.
for every country

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Musashi » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 12:15

Schaut nicht gut aus- Frankreich und Italien pushen massiv in Richtung eines EU-weiten Verbots, damit die nationalen
Regierungen ihre Hände in Unschuld waschen können. Weil die EU ist ohnehin schon unbeliebt: ... n-ongoing/

.50 BMG
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von Thule » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 12:33

Hat wer Verbindungen nach Frankreich oder kann gut Französisch?
Die FN sollte dann alle Waffenbesitzer und Bürger wissen lassen welches Spiel die *censored* Hollande treibt. Italien ist eigentlich eh ziemlich egal. Ist ein failed state und jeder weiß das. Wenn sie sich jetzt als Steigbügelhalter bzw. Wurmfortsatz von Frankreich betätigen ist das auch schon egal.

.357 Magnum
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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von illskillz » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 13:05

hm das hört sich alles nicht gut an... Kann ich mir wohl meine Aug Z abschminken wenn das so weitergeht... und meine Glock kann ich dann auch gratis an den Staat abgeben oder wie stellen die sich das eigentlich vor?

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Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von granatapfel » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 13:08

Ich würde noch kaufen was geht. Habe mir aufgrund des ganzen Wahnsinns auch eine AUG gekauft.
Verbieten ist immer einfacher als wegnehmen, v.a. wenn jeder, der enteignet werden soll, den Rechtsweg beschreitet.

Firearms United Österreich auf Facebook:

Keine Notwehrfälle mit Schusswaffen? Oh doch:

.357 Magnum
.357 Magnum
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Registriert: Di 19. Jan 2016, 23:18
Wohnort: Wien

Re: EU: Verbot von Halbautomaten - Teil 4

Beitrag von illskillz » Fr 12. Feb 2016, 13:11

Ja kaufen tu ich mir eh eine ... wenn die überhaupt noch lieferbar ist bevor die EU da den Riegel vorschiebt :( ... Wenn ich dann auf 3000€ sitzen bleibe wärs halt bitter wenn man sie wirklich abgegeben muss...
