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Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 14:17
von d-s
Floody hat geschrieben:
d-s hat geschrieben:I must say that the gun control here is much stricter than in Slovakia. I thought its more liberal here but it is not, by far.

Maybe you can create another Thread in the Waffenrecht subforum and tell us about it ;)

As I do not have residence in Slovakia anymore, I had to start WBK application in Austria and in the process I found how much more restricting it is in Austria compared to Slovakia.

Some things are similar - psychologist check, waffenfuhrerschein, kat A forbidden, .... just much cheaper in Slovakia.

But the system with 2 places in WBK does not exist in Slovakia at all.
You need permit for purchase of each gun, but there's no limit for number of them. With more of them there are additional requirements (e.g. you can keep only certain number of them in tresor), but your arsenal is limited basically just by your budget.
Second big difference is that it's much easier to justify waffenpass in Slovakia.
And third (maybe not so important) difference is the semi-auto area. In Slovakia, you can buy various older semi-auto models for good prices, which are not allowed in Austria.

The only advantage of Austria is that you do not need WBK for many long guns. But personally I do not see it as real advantage as then people buy them without going through safety training, etc.

Re: Waffenrecht - differenz auf die Slowakei

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 14:25
von Floody
d-s hat geschrieben:Second big difference is that it's much easier to justify waffenpass in Slovakia.

What are legit reasons for carrying in Slovakia?

Re: Waffenrecht - differenz auf die Slowakei

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 15:46
von Stickhead
Great to see you here! Could you please tell us a little bit more about semi-autos in SK? You write "various older semi-auto models". What about guns like a dragunov rifle or arsenal ak-rifles?

Re: Waffenrecht - differenz auf die Slowakei

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 17:20
von d-s
Floody hat geschrieben:
d-s hat geschrieben:Second big difference is that it's much easier to justify waffenpass in Slovakia.

What are legit reasons for carrying in Slovakia?

It depends on police officer. Some make trouble, some do not. Self-defense usually works.

Stickhead hat geschrieben:Great to see you here! Could you please tell us a little bit more about semi-autos in SK? You write "various older semi-auto models". What about guns like a dragunov rifle or arsenal ak-rifles?

I do not know how accessible they are but I've seen Dragunov for sale, former police piece. I do not remember the price but it was a lot :)
Common and cheap are things like CZ vz58 and AK-74.

Re: Waffenrecht - differenz auf die Slowakei

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 17:40
von BigBen
Can you legally own a fully automatic vz58 or AK-74 in Slovakia?

Here in Austria everyone of legal age (18) with a registered residence in Austria can buy bolt action rifles (Kat. C guns - rifled barrel) or single and double barreled shotguns (Kat. D guns - smooth barrel) - so in general stuff that could qualify as hunting rifles (but also includes precision rifles etc. as long as they are not semi- or fully automatic).

If such a person already owns a weapon-related permit like a hunting license, WBK or WP he can buy the stuff right away - if the person doesn't have any weapon related permit there is a 3 day period after which the buyer can pick up the purchased gun. During that period the gun dealer must check if the buyer is not restricted from owning a gun - for example because he was in prison for a certain period of time or similar.

Then we have the so called Kat. B guns which include all types of modern revolvers, pistols, some semi automatic rifles (only a very few "military style" semi automatic rifles are legal in Austria) and some semi automatic shotguns. To own and transport such guns you need the WBK or Waffenbesitzkarte. If you want to carry such a gun, you need a WP or Waffenpass, which is Austria's "carry permit" (does not distinguish between concealed and open carry - but I highly advice against open carry until you are wearing some sort of uniform or something along that line) and almost impossible to get nowadays. The WBK and WP allow you to own a very specific amount of Kat. B guns - normally you start with 2 and over time you can ask the authorities to increase that amount - if you are able to convince them that you really need more guns e.g. for different types of sports shooting disciplines.

If you own a WBK or a WP, the authorities want prove from you that you shoot/train regularly (e.g. a shooting diary together with a confirmation from the president of your gun club), otherwise you will have to make the "Waffenführerschein" every 5 years. If you own an Austrian hunting license as well, this prove is not required.

Kat. B guns require a higher level of security regarding storage but the absolute minimum you must assure with every gun is to keep it out of the reach of people that are not entitled to a gun themselves - like minors etc.

Last but not least we have Kat. A guns - mainly military weapons that cannot be owned without a very rare, very special permit. All semi automatic rifles that are not Kat. B are automatically Kat. A - and even pump action shotguns are considered Kat. A - despite the fact that you can legally own a semi automatic shotgun with a WBK. Yes, it makes absolutely no sense, welcome to Austria!

I think this should get you started :-)

Re: Waffenrecht - differenz auf die Slowakei

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 20:08
von d-s
BigBen hat geschrieben:Can you legally own a fully automatic vz58 or AK-74 in Slovakia?

No. It's Kat A, only with special permit.

some semi automatic rifles (only a very few "military style" semi automatic rifles are legal in Austria)

This is better in SVK. In AT it appears to follow the "forbidden unless specifically allowed" while in SVK it's more like "allowed unless specifically forbidden"
... and almost impossible to get nowadays.

Still fairly ok in SVK but slowly getting worse.

normally you start with 2 and over time you can ask the authorities to increase that amount

No such limit in SVK. One has to ask for purchase permit (just a formality) for each gun but there's no limit.

...and even pump action shotguns are considered Kat. A

Allowed in SVK.

I think this should get you started :-)


Yes, it makes absolutely no sense, welcome to Austria!

I'm in Austria for quite some time now and for most of the stuff when it comes to byrocracy, it works better in AT than in SVK.
Guns are so far the only exception :)

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 20:16
von Kehnra
Do you can have every semi automatic rifle in slovakia? As BigBen said, in austria there are only few weapons which are allowed.

What are the "special permit" to buy a kat.A weapon in sk?

If in slovakia you can buy a semi Ak-47, then i live from yet there :D

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 20:56
von d-s
Not every. Army versions are not allowed, etc.
I do not have full overview as I'm away from Slovakia for a long time and I go there only for visits.

I do not know any details about Kat A permits as "normal" person can't get it. It's reserved for armed forces.

AK-47 - I believe there are non-army clones available (but quite hard to get) but I'm not sure.
At the shooting range I sometimes visit they now have it listed in guns one can borrow, in AKM version.
I plan to borrow it next time I'll take a guided training.

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: So 25. Okt 2015, 13:44
von Shan
What about cititzenship? Can a (non-Austrian) EU cititzen get an Austrian WBK? And vice versa - in SVK?

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: So 25. Okt 2015, 13:49
von d-s
Yes for both.
In Slovakia, any EU citizen with long-term residence in Slovakia can apply for WBK/WP.

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: So 25. Okt 2015, 14:39
von Thule
Kehnra hat geschrieben:If in slovakia you can buy a semi Ak-47, then i live from yet there :D

There are currently many reasons to move to one of the V4 states. As for ownership of semi automatic rifles and gun law in general I'd choose Czech Republic or Slovakia out of those 4.

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Di 27. Okt 2015, 12:24
von Stickhead
How is "long-term residence" defined?

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Di 27. Okt 2015, 16:00
von d-s
Actually law says just residence, without specifying permanent or temporary.
I'm checking it for myself, I'll post the outcome if any.

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Do 29. Okt 2015, 12:22
von d-s
Now when I passed all steps and I just have to wait for bureaucracy...
Psychology tests are both in SK and in AT. In Slovakia 1/4 of the price. But at least the psychologist was professional, did the work, was friendly.
Waffenfuhrerschein - just terrible compared to Slovakia. I had 1 on 1 course both in Slovakia and in Austria. Austrian was more expensive. It took 40 minutes and it did not give me much. Theoretical safe handling of the gun, no practice. Shot total of 10 rounds. In Slovakia, for less money, 5 hours course including safe handling drills (where's that finger, ..., ...), shooting involving correct holding of the gun, ...
There's also an exam in Slovakia, with 3 people from police & justice, so one really has to learn at least something.
The only positive was a lady at BH who was friendly even with my poor German.

If my only involvement with guns would be here in Austria, I'd be now waiting for the WBK but I would not be able to properly handle guns when it comes. And I paid 3-4 times more money for that.

Re: Waffenrecht - Slowakei vs Österreich

Verfasst: Do 29. Okt 2015, 12:30
von ITW
regarding the exam in slovakia:
only on slovak or is english possible too?